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41 For them, it shows that it is also a truly democratic, grassroots movement. Ever since social movements became a force for change in the modern world, observers and activists have puzzled over the effects of organisation on their capacity for contention. Some theorists have argued that without leadership exercised through organisations, rebellion remains primitive and soon disintegrates. 42 Others are persuaded that, far from inspiring people to action, organisational leaders can deprive them of their major power the power to disrupt. The theoretical support for this position comes from Robert Michels Iron Law of Oligarchy, which holds that, over time, organisations displace their original goals, become wedded to routine and ultimately accept the rules of the game of the existing system. 43Resource mobilisation theory argues that the social movement must have strong and efficient leadership. John R. Bradley, author of After the Arab Spring,44 also states that a leaderless approach is almost certainly a mistake as it seems the revolutionaries have not learned from history, about how revolutionary movements lacking a vanguard are crushed by more entrenched and better organised forces in the aftermath of massive social and political upheaval. Most self destructively, they have learned nothing especially of the 1979 Iranian revolution, likewise in its early stages drawing people from all walks of life but then hijacked by Islamist groups. 45 From the start, Occupy in Ireland adopted a no banners approach. There is a concern, given the history of factionalism and splintering of the left in Ireland, and the problems this caused for NICRA, that the Occupy movement would go the same way.

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That, said, I think this particular rumour is just that, a rumour. I don't think for a minute that RTD would be able to convince someone of Johnny Depp's profile anywhere near this. He is an anglophile though. Seriously though, I'd guess they want Depp because he can act very eccentrically, and by having him as the doctor, alot of non Who fans might watch the movie just because he's in it. Yeah, I would prefer David Tennant or Matt Smith, but I wouldn't be so keen on Matt taking a break from the show to do the movie. As for David Tennant, I'd guess he was asked, but has other engagements. Jack and Calumon:I hope to god this works out. I couldn't bear another catastrophe. In fact, I want Matt Smith as the Doctor!Keep him on!No one wants Mr "I got a Jar of Dirt!"Aye. There is something about Depp that makes it worth watching movies in which he stars. Even if those movies suck otherwise, Depp is above them.

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The basic goal is to teach someone exactly how to use the digital camera that they own. Through online, DVD, and a professional advisor that can be contacted anytime, the photography student can learn the ins and outs of their new photography equipment. Another course that this particular photography school offers is the complete digital photography course. With this course, Adobe PhotoShop will be completely taught. The instruction will include how to to retouch photos, post pictures on the web and how to take better digital photographs. Also taught in this course will be how to restore old black and white photography pictures that may have suffered damage with age. This instruction is always helpful to photographers because many people have old photographs that need restoring, and they are not sure who to take them to or what to do to restore them. By having this instruction at this photography school, the future photographer will enhance anyones budding photography business. The last course that this particular school offers is more than likely the most important. The NYI complete course in professional photography is the last correspondence course that this school offers. Here the photography student will learn all of the ins and outs of the photography business including: wedding photographers.

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