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And we shouldve gotten out of Afghanistan long ago. So these are all the things that have lead me to get to the streets and protest with my fellow patriots. This movement has already lead to some huge changes in the national conversation switching it from the deficit to income inequality, corruption and jobs along with tangible ones BoAs ended debit card fee, Seattles movement of most of its money from big banks to Credit Unions, the exposition of the militarization of many police forces, etc. If I had a chance, I would do the same things over again. Getting arrested was terrible and dehumanizing, but I am proud of what I was dragged off in cuffs for: the future of my country, an end to the government corporation cuddle puddle and a better functioning democracy for myself and my future children. I urge all students to get involved. Your college debt will/is padding our government coffers. You will be forced into minimum wage jobs even with the highest degrees and effort. You will find it difficult to get health insurance and will live in a country where your representatives represent their cherry picked crony capitalists, NOT YOU. I stand for the position that I would do something but I would not protest since i am only 15. I think that all students should be involved but up to a point, maybe a letter but not sitting out there sleeping.

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Beelzebub in the Testament of Solomon under the name of Beelzeboul claims primacy over all demons since he was not a child of an angel but an angel himself, the First Angel of the First Heaven prior to his fall. This latter statement associates him with Shemyaza and Azazel of the Watcher tradition and also to Lucifer in more common demonology. As a result of his supposed exalted angelic status, Beelzeboul claims to answer only to one of the names of God. Beelzebub was said to reign highest of the demons at the Black Mass. He also supposedly reigned over the witches Sabbaths in which the participants denied Christ, danced, and copulated with in and other demons during wild orgies. Some said he appeared in the form of a fly it is sometimes known as lord of the flies, but he apparently had other manifestations. He also is proclaimed to have been involved in the possession of the nuns in Louviers, France during the seventeenth century. A. G. H. Belanger, Michelle.

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Adolphs, 2006 We chose this sampling frame because the 99% Movement really gained momentum and became popular in October of 2011, and we wanted to see if the momentum remained through November, and it did. We also thought that Occupy Wall Street is frequently mentioned in the media, and having a broach search term allowed us get as much information as possible. More specific terms were included in texts that already had our broad search term. The mainstream genre, NPR, gave us view into vulnerable individuals who are struggling as the 99%. The excerpts taken from our corpus revealed that the individuals interviewed found many reasons why jobs were hard to come by, and the frustration and anger it caused. Reviewing the context of those who were interviewed allowed us to more fully understand their point of view, and what they were suffering from. As the 99%, they were open about their personal lives, and used examples of what they were going through to explain their frustration about a jobless market. In an NPR article, Jeffrey Sachs said,It means that for the typical young person right now who is a high school graduate but on average will not get a Bachelors degree life is extremely challenging to find a foothold with a stable job, with an opportunity to have a reliable income, health and other benefits, and a chance to have the kind of middle class life that we once took for granted. The high school graduate hes describing would be part of the 99% because of the degree of difficulty of actually getting a job. Without a job there is no income, and without a decent job it is likely one would struggle financially, therefore, being part of the 99%. This excerpt reveals how challenging it is to find a job in our society today.

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In addition, police believe the juveniles stole a vehicle from a Clarinda resident Saturday morning. At around 6:20 that morning, police received a report that a white 1999 Dodge R 35 pickup with license plate number CLY 045 was missing from the victim's driveway. The juveniles and truck are entered into a nationwide law enforcement data base. Anyone with information on the missing students' whereabouts should contact Clarinda Police at 712 542 2194 or PageCom at 712 542 1419. At KMA, we attempt to be accurate in our reporting. If you see a typo or mistake in a story, please contact us by emailing .

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