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"I have never felt so futile in trying to communicate with you as I do now. I confess, I still feel your trip to Guyana to be a cop out. " Of note is a 15 October 1980 letter from actor and social activist Jane Fonda to Reston about her contact with the congregation of the People's Temple and the letter she wrote to Jim Jones. Letters chiefly pertain to publication of and reactions to Reston's book Our Father Who Art in Hell, a radio adaptation Father Cares: The Last of Jonestown with NPR, the possibility of a stage production about Jonestown, and excerpts of the book in journals and magazines. Other major topics include publication of Reston's play Sherman, the Peacemaker, the Greensboro Massacre on 3 November 1979, the trial of People's Temple member Larry Layton in San Francisco, Calif. , lecturing on Jonestown, and teaching.

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Nevertheless, structured umbrella coalitions, networks and caucuses are all handled in the same way by governments. In the UN system, all transnational actors have to accept the label "NGO", in order to participate. They may be present under the label of the coalition or of its constituents or through both routes. Umbrella INGOs have consultative status and networks usually are listed, but caucuses rarely have any formal recognition. Coalitions that focus on policy outcomes in a particular country or a particular intergovernmental organization will tend to take the form of an umbrella organization. Coalitions that focus on issues tend to take the form of a network or a caucus, with different members being active in different policy forums. The term was adopted at the Earth Summit, when Agenda 21 devoted one of its four sections to "Strengthening the Role of Major Groups". The preamble argued that "one of the fundamental prerequisites for the achievement of sustainable development is broad public participation in decision making" and this must be done as a "real social partnership" with "individuals, groups and organizations". The aim was for the UN to move beyond the traditional reliance on the established NGOs, in two ways. Communication must reach down to individuals at the level of local communities and particular sectors of society of importance for the environment must be mobilized. The section devoted separate chapters to nine Major Groups, under the following headings.

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Obviously they dont feel that any negative comments should even be expressed, Schenkat said of the council. She stands by her previous concerns that the judges in Scottsdale are too sympathetic to prosecutors, adding thats an attitude the council seems to favor. The court is set up as a moneymaking machine, and they are just happy to know there is revenue coming in, she said. They dont want to upset that apple cart. So they are complicit with bad justice in the name of revenue. Lane said he did not ask Schenkat to withdraw her letter but rather suggested it would be best if she did not testify against the judge, or at least that she make it clear she was speaking as a private citizen and not a member of the judicial board. Lane did ask her to resign later because, in his view, Schenkat had clearly let her personal animosity toward one judge taint her independence and objectivity, he said. Pressure on city judges does not just come from city councils. As was seen in Ferguson, police and prosecutors also rely on compliant judges to allow practices that are both lucrative and controversial. If you get a photo radar ticket, the standard from of notification is sending a letter in the mail advising you of the violation and instructing you how to either pay or contest the ticket. You can ignore that because mailing a letter is not considered adequate service in Arizona.

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