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Region and Geomarket management teams work to understand customer needs and coordinate delivery of individual products and comprehensive service solutions that include the right Baker Hughes technologies for the project. LOS ANGELES ?S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein siphoned off nearly $700,000 from a California candidate to pay her credit cards, a mortgage and business bills, federal prosecutors said Tuesday. Kinde Durkee, who heads Durkee and Associates in Burbank, Calif. , was arrested Friday on suspicion of mail fraud by the FBI. Durkee has served as a bookkeeper for scores of candidates her company website says five presidential campaigns. Democrats were scouring records to determine if they might have been victimized. "I have five employees I need to make payroll for every two weeks you bet I'm nervous," said Los Angeles County Democratic Chairman Eric Bauman, who relied on Durkee for years to handle the committee's books. A federal complaint released Tuesday outlines an elaborate shell game in which Durkee furtively shifted money out of state Assemblyman Jose Solorio's 2010 campaign to pay for an array of debts, from a Disneyland restaurant to shopping at Costco to her mother's care at an assisted living facility. Durkee's scheme used Solorio and his campaign to "obtain money from them by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses," it said.

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A move back to the UK came after the intensity of the Ralph Lauren role, which had involved travelling to America every month and a sales territory extending to Russia and the Middle East. He joined Watches of Switzerland, which has 124 stores and employs around 1,800 people, six years ago, since when he has launched the brand in the US and floated it on the stock market last year. Along the way in 2012 I got the opportunity of going on the board of Glasgow Celtic, Mr Duffy said. It was wonderful. It was a boyhood dream, in many ways, to get that close to the running of the club and be a part of it. It was a wonderful few years. Readers comments: You are personally liable for the content of any comments you upload to this website, so please act responsibly. We do not pre moderate or monitor readers comments appearing on our websites, but we do post moderate in response to complaints we receive or otherwise when a potential problem comes to our attention. You can make a complaint by using the report this post link . We may then apply our discretion under the user terms to amend or delete comments. This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's Editors' Code of Practice.

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Passed over grassy plains and stony rise; when, at three miles, seeing the termination of a range in a bluff point, changed my course to 310 degrees. Proceeded, still crossing stony hills, consisting of ironstone, slate, and a hard white rock, which is broken into rectangular fragments; also over broad valleys, which are covered with grass that when green must have stood very high, but is now so dry that it breaks off before the horses. My horse being first, collects so much on his front legs that I have been obliged to stop, pull him back, and allow it to fall, so that he may step over it, go on, get another load, and do the same. At six miles and a half, after crossing a plain, crossed a deep bamboo creek; this I have named Ellen Creek. Proceeded over two other stony rises and valleys of the same description, and came upon extensive plains, well grassed, and of beautiful alluvial soil; crossing them towards the bluff point at fifteen miles, came upon the Adelaide between me and the bluff, which is about a mile further on; the river is about eighty yards wide, and so still that I could not see which way the current was. I suppose its being high tide was the cause of this. The banks are thickly lined with bamboo, very tall and stout, very steep, and twelve feet down to the waters edge; the water appeared to be of great depth, and entirely free from snags or fallen timber. The range on the opposite side of the river, for which I was directing my course, being the highest I have seen in this new country, I have named it after His Excellency the Governor in Chief of South Australia, Daly Range, and its highest peak to the north Mount Daly. Before reaching the river, at thirteen miles, we passed a high conspicuous tent hill, at right angle, north east to our line; this I have named Mount Goyder, after the Surveyor General of South Australia. Followed the river on a north course for about a mile, when I was stopped by a deep side creek of thick bamboo, with water; turned to the east, rounded the bamboo, but found myself in a boggy marsh, which I could not cross. This marsh is covered with fine grass, in black alluvial soil, in which is growing a new kind of lily, with a large broad heart shaped leaf a foot or more across; the blossoms are six inches high, resemble a tulip in shape, and are of a deep brilliant rose colour; the seeds are contained in a vessel resembling the rose of a watering pot, with the end of each egg shaped seed showing from the holes, and the colour of this is a bright yellow.

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Mary Hendrix, Professor and Head. 14. Activation, Inhibition, and Substrate Specificities of Gelatinasesand Collagenases. Dixit. 15. The Collagenase Family in Metamorphosis and Metastasis. MedicalSciences Program, Indiana University School of Medicine, Bloomington,Indiana. Mescher. 16. Antibody Production and Characterization of a Breast Cancer SurfaceMetalloproteinase. W.

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