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Is this an example of a scarcity or a shortage and explain any differences if any between a price rise and a restriction of consumption. 8. Watch the following video clip Cigarette: Tax hike and answer the following questions. What were the two factors that lead to a decrease in the consumption of cigarettes?How does this compare to the adoption of plain packaging?Hint: how does each of these impact on demand and/or supply and why. b. With the aid of graphs show how these three different factors work to reduce consumption. c. Plain packaging was linked to a fall in consumption of 2% over three years. Using graphs in your explanation show why it is difficult to change the quantity of cigarettes in relation to all three factors. Task 4: Costs of Production Q1. What is the difference between explicit costs and implicit costs?List three examples each of explicit costs and implicit costs that may be experienced by a small business.

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To cancel your 14 day trial please submit a ticket with the subject line "Trial Cancellation" and provide the full name and email address used when signing up for the trail. REMEMBER You MUST cancel BEFORE your trial ends to ensure you are not charged. There is no refund available after the subscription has charged. Your billing date is on a 30 day schedule. Your card on file will be charged 30 days after your last charge. You will not be charged the same day every month. Refunds must be requested in writing via this HelpDesk. A refund is only available within the first 30 days of your membership. Refunds requested after renewal are not available. If you joined via the 14 day trail offer, refunds are NOT available. The trial provides the time necessary to determine whether or not Marketing University is for you.

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What I like especially is your coverage of a marquee styled course Washtenaw with lesser known but perfectly good options. And Arthur Hills ranks among the most underrated architects in America we don't hear enough about him. I've played golf in Michigan on a trip some 18 years ago, and the trip was an excellent one. For me, this review of the area is a keeper. Termination can be just as devastating for the person doing the terminating. The Wall Street Journal has reported that firing someone is one of three situations that make company presidents most anxious. It's probably safe to assume there's plenty of stress inside the person saying, "You're fired. "Aside from the emotional strain on both owner and employee, there are also legal ramifications involved in the act of termination. The following article is geared towards outlining ways of dealing with problem employees and making sure the company doesn't suffer in the long run. Establishing clear and logical rules, along with an atmosphere of trust between management and labor, will minimize disciplinary confrontations with employees. Often it's the manner in which rules are established and enforced that makes the difference between a smooth running operation and a company plagued by employee related disruptions.

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Under federal law, individuals who have been convicted of a felony offense that would typically prohibit them from possessing firearms can lawfully possess firearms if their civil rights are restored by the requisite government entities. To undergo a background check, prospective gun buyers are required by federal regulations to present photo identification issued by a government entity. Using fake drivers licenses bearing fictitious names, investigators with the Government Accountability Office had a 100% success rate buying firearms in five states that met the minimum requirements of the federal background check system. A 2001 report of this investigation states that the federal background check system does not positively identify purchasers of firearms, and thus, people using fake IDs are not flagged by the system. Per the U. S. Mint as a hedge against inflation, hoping to protect his family from any future catastrophe. He eventually filled five safe deposit boxes with coins of silver and gold. Then, in May 2005, the Michigan Lottery shut down the game with no warning, replacing it with a new one called Classic Lotto 47. Officials claimed that sales of Winfall tickets had been decreasing. Jerry was offended.

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